Ilgım Veryeri Alaca
Ilgım Veryeri Alaca is an artist, children’s books author and an Associate Professor at Koç University, Department of Media and Visual Arts where she is the director of Artistic Research Studio & Picturebook Studies. She holds a PhD in Art from Hacettepe University (2005) and MFA in Art and Design from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2002), and MA in Studio Arts from California State University (1999). She is the ALMA nominations coordinator for her institution. She was an advisory board member for establishing Koç University Children’s Books Publications between 2018-2022. On a Winter’s Night (2016), Colorful Forest in the Cosmos (2022), Poetry Bike (2023), 3D Printer: Defne’s Miracle Machine (2024) are among her picturebooks. Her articles on book arts and children’s literature appeared in Bookbird, Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, Leonardo (MIT), Studies in Comics, Journal of Literary Education, International Journal of Child–Computer Interaction, International Journal of Education through Art and Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice. Her book chapters were included in The Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education, The Routledge Companion to Picturebooks and Verbal and Visual Strategies in Nonfiction Picturebooks: Theoretical and Analytical Approaches. She is an associate editor of Journal of Illustration (Intellect, UK). She presented at conferences such as The Child and the Book, IRSCL, the Asian Festival of Children’s Content (AFCC), IDC, NordiCHI and CAA. Her recent publication is Consumable Reading and Children’s Literature: Food, Taste and Material Interactions (John Benjamins 2022).